It is almost typical that during your cruising on your boat, you have to stop, to enjoy the view of some beautiful place, or to relax or make some dive from your boat.
In some of this occasion anchor, your boat is the best solution, for a non-experience skipper, this can be a problem, but if you follow this simple guide, you will discover how to anchor a boat in the safest and only way.
Here a simple checklist of how to anchor a boat:

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1-Time of stop on the anchorage area
If you are only anchored for a short period, your only consideration will be making sure you have
water under your keel and that the anchor has dug in.
But for a more extended stay:
Consult your chart to find out how much depth there is around the anchorage, and the type of bottom.
Considering that (S = sand; M = mud; Cy or Cl = clay; Si = silt; St = stones; G =gravel; P = pebbles; Cb = cobbles; Sh = shell; Co = corral; S/M =sand over mud; Wd = weed.)
Tips: Avoid unmarked rocks or shoals and obstructions on the bottom that could foul your anchor.
3-Weather forecast
Check if the position of where you anchor your boat is sheltered from the expected wind direction by the forecast
If you are in an area where also other boats are anchored, take a Look at how other boats are oriented. This information will help you to see if there are some currents on this area if the bow of the boat are not pointing the wind, this means that probably in the area there is some current.
Try to understand where the current is coming and make the best decision according.
● Choose a place that will have enough depth at low water—at least 1,5m under the keel.
Considering that less depth you anchor in, the smaller your swinging circle will be. If you know the local times and heights of low water and high water, you can estimate the height of tide when you anchor using the Rule of Twelfths. The rule assumes, given a 6-hour tidal range, that the tide rises or falls by one-twelfth of its overall range in the first hour, two-twelfths in the second, and so on, in this pattern:1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1.
These are the main point to check when are anchoring your boat.
Other tips on how to anchor a boat:
● If possible, anchor on a flat bottom.
● Try to anchor where the effects of swell or wind are minimized.
● Make sure your boat can swing to its anchor without fouling
other anchored boats, hitting obstructions or grounding.
● Take compass bearings of safe routes out of the anchorage in case you have to leave at night.
That was all for this guide how to anchor a boat, follow this guide, and consider always the safest way possible.