The SOALS Chapter VI and VII requires a Cargo securing manual (CSM) to be on board all types of ships, other than solid and liquid bulk, engaged in the carriage of cargoes.
All the cargo units and cargo transport units must be loaded, stowed, and secured under this manual.
Page Contents
Important point on cargo securing manual

The approved Cargo securing manual must conform to the guidelines developed by The IMO.
All the securing device must meet the strength criteria, and all the crew must be trained and instructed in the safe and efficient operation of the lashing and securing devices.
Definitions of Cargo securing manual:
Maximum securing load (MSL) is the allowable load capacity for a device used to secure Cargo to a ship.
Safe working load (SWL) is a safe limit for a device that is securing the Cargo.
Standardized Cargo It is a cargo for which the ship is provided with an approved securing system.
Semi –standardized Cargo is Cargo for which the ship is provided with a securing system capable of accommodating a variety of Cargo.
Non-standardized Cargo means Cargo that requires individual stowage and securing arrangements.
Cargo securing manual in details
Chapter 1
General statements are dealing with practice a good seamanships, maintaining all devices to a good standard.
Specifying also the spares part on board
Chapter 2
Details information on fixing and portable devices and their maintenance
This part should give a detailed plan about securing devices in use on that ship.
The plans illustrate the type, location, and a total number of securing devices on board.
Chapter 3
Provide handling and safety instructions and an evaluation of the forces acting on the cargo transport units.
On this chapter, we found the point to be taken into consideration to safety secure the portable securing devices that are the following:
- Duration of voyage
- Feograpica area of the voyage
- Sea condition
- Characteristic of the ship
- Expected static and dynamic forces during the voyage
- Types of Cargo
- Intend stowage pattern of the cargo unit
Chapter 4
Contains the handling and safety instructions for standardizes cargoes.
Stowage and securing plans must be available, illustrating the maximum stack weight limitations and permitted stack heights.
Inspections and maintenance schemes, as required by IMO guidelines, can be contained in a separate document provided clear references to in the Cargo securing manual.
It is also essential that the shipper is also required to supply Cargo specific information to the master so that he can evaluate the suitability of the Cargo for the ship and make decisions on the stowage and securing.
The Cargo securing manual it is the continuation of the CARGO STOWAGE and SECURING CODE of the previous articles; with this, we finish the part of the Cargo securing code, giving a great overview of how this Cargo must be stowed to obtain a safe result.